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Nuevo ciclo de conferencias magistrales "La Política en Perspectiva"


El Instituto de Ciencia Política y su programa de Magíster inauguran este lunes 30 de septiembre el ciclo de clases magistrales "La Política en Perspectiva". Los encuentros abordarán diferentes temas de interés político, que van desde las Relaciones Internacionales hasta la Política Nacional. Se realizarán conferencias periódicas con invitados y académicos nacionales e internacionales de diversas áreas. La primera de éstas conferencias será impartida por Pasquale Ferrara, académico del Instituto Universitario Europeo, Italia, quién abordará el “Rol e influencia actual de la Unión Europea en los asuntos globales”

La actividad se realizará el lunes 30 de septiembre a las 18.15 hrs, en la Sala Colorada del Centro de Extensión, ubicada en Alameda 390, primer piso. Los cupos son limitados y las inscripciones se realizan a través del siguiente e-mail: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

Pasquale Ferrara (1958), a career diplomat, is the Secretary General of the European University Institute in Florence. He was Head of the Policy Planning Unit of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from February 2009 to June 2011 and spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from July 2006 to January 2009. After receiving his degree in Political Science in 1981 from the University of Naples, majoring in international politics (magna cum laude), he specialized (1981/82) in International Studies at the SIOI (Italian Society for International Organization) in Naples and was later was admitted (1983/84) to the School of Advanced Studies for Civil Servants. After joining the Italian Foreign Service in 1984, he served first at the Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and later at the Office of the Diplomatic Advisor to the President of the Republic. He served in several overseas assignments: Santiago, Chile (from 1989 to 1992, in the aftermath of Pinochet’s dictatorship) Athens, Greece (1992-1996, as Consul of Italy), Brussels (1999-2002 at Italy’s Permanent Mission to the European Union, participating in the IGC on EU Treaties reform and later in the European Constitutional Convention), Washington (2002-2006 as political counsellor).

Since many years he combines his professional background as a diplomat with academic activities and research on the theory of international relations. From 1981 to 1994 he collaborated with the Chair of History of Political Thought at the University "Federico II" in Naples, Italy. From 1989 to 1992 he has been visiting professor at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) in Santiago, Chile. In spring 2005 he taught a course on the political philosophy of the European Union at the Georgetown University (Washington DC). He is contract Professors of “Theory of International Community” at the University Institute “Sophia” (2009-2011).

He is Author of many articles and essays on international relations and political thought, and published several books on those subjects: La pace transnazionale. Per un nuovo pluralismo nella politica mondiale (1989); L’uno plurale. Identità e differenza nel mutamento internazionale (1990); Aproximaciòn a América (with Riccardo Campa - 1993); Non di solo Euro. La filosofia politica dell'Unione Europea (2001); Le nozze e il vino. Per un nuovo paradigma politico nell’era globale (2004); Lo stato preventivo. Democrazia securitaria e sicurezza democratica (2010).